
Below is a list of my expertise:

Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

I have both theoretical foundations as well as hands-on experience in FEA, for static and dynamic cases. I attended a Master course in the theory of FEA and a PhD course in continuum mechanics. Later I refreshed my FEA knowledge by attending SIEMENS NX CAE training. I gave a class tutorial in the theory of FEA. I taught ANSYS Lab for more than four terms, in two different universities.

I performed FEA using ANSYS in the analysis of nonhomogeneous rotating disc with arbitrarily variable thickness, design optimization of a landing gear for light aircraft, modeling of a rotor-bearing-support system, and geometry optimization of hybrid kinematics machine tool components. Not only I have a practical skill in using FEA software, but also I have a solid understanding of what going on when I use the software.

Rigid and flexible multibody dynamics

I attended Master and PhD courses in advanced dynamics. In the former course, I studied the spatial (3D) rigid body dynamics and vibration of multi-DOF systems. In the latter course, I studied rigid multibody dynamics of serial and tree-like mechanisms and coded from scratch algorithms using MATLAB to solve problems.

I performed the following dynamic analysis to a parallel robot in my PhD work:

  • Rigid multibody dynamics
  • Modal analysis
  • Flexible multibody dynamics using Rayleigh-Ritz and Finite Element methods.

Not only I derived and solved the equations of motion in the aforementioned analysis, but also I used an existing software ANSYS to benchmark the solution.

Dynamics of rotating system

In my master’s work, I modeled a rotor-bearing-support system by using finite elements followed by a model order reduction. Afterwards, I performed the following analysis to the rotating system:

  • Modal analysis
  • Evaluation of critical speeds by plotting Campbell diagrams
  • Vibration analysis due to imbalance

I performed the aforementioned analysis using both full model and reduced-order model and compared the results obtained by using both the models. I benchmarked my solution with that given by ANSYS.

Motion and vibration control

I performed a simulation of vibration control of a rotating system by using LQR and ANFIS control algorithms. The resonance vibrations were successfully suppressed by using both the control algorithms.

I performed both simulation and experiments of motion control applied to a machine tool I developed. I developed several model-based motion control schemes of the machine in MATLAB Simulink. I built a real PID-based motion control of the machine using multi-axis GALIL motion controller, Metronix drives, and linear motors. I developed a human-machine interface for the machine using MATLAB GUI.

I developed vision-based and pointcloud-based motion control. In the vision-based motion control (commonly called the visual servoing), I applied image-based and position-based techniques. In the point-cloud based motion control, I used PCL to manipulate the pointcloud data.


I attended a PhD course in estimation which covers the derivations and use of linear and nonlinear least squares approximations, Kalman Filter, Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), and Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF). I also implemented all these estimation algorithms in several study cases by coding the algorithms from scratch.

With regard to estimation, I performed the following works:

  • Kinematic calibration of a hybrid robot
  • Identification of dynamic parameters of a parallel robot


I attended a PhD course in the kinematics, dynamics, and control of robots. I worked with several types of robots namely serial robotic manipulator, parallel robotic manipulator, robotic gripping system, unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). I performed the following works in robotics:

  • Kinematic analysis of serial and parallel robots, including singularity analysis.
  • Performance analysis and multi-objective design optimization of parallel and hybrid robots. I performed the multi-objective optimization by using both weighted-sum and Pareto optimality methods. The objectives were the workspace, the stiffness, and the stiffness condition number.
  • Rigid body dynamic analysis of a quadrotor and a hybrid UAV.
  • Rigid and flexible multibody dynamic analysis to serial and parallel robots.
  • Motion control of parallel robots.
  • Calibration and dynamic parameter identification of parallel robots.
  • Programming a serial robot (Universal Robot arm).
  • Development of long-range teleoperation of UGV (Husky UGV) and serial robot (Universal Robot arm).
  • Development and control of magnetic and pneumatic gripping system.
  • Autonomous vision-based pick-and-place using serial robot (Universal Robot arm).
  • SLAM and autonomous navigation of UGV (Husky UGV) using ROS. I applied vision-based and pointcloud-based perception to detect targets and obstacles.
  • Simulation of UAV in ROS-Gazebo environment.


I have hands-on experience in various manufacturing processes, including precision benchwork, welding, cold and hot forming, pipe fitting, sheet work, and various machining processes such as turning, shaping, and milling. I operated both manual and CNC machines. I also attended a training in operating a five-axis milling machine. Furthermore, I have good knowledge and practice of standard technical drawing.

I taught undergraduate manufacturing labs for six terms in two departments at KU. The labs cover several manufacturing processes including sand casting, centrifugal casting, CNC machining, CAM, Design for Manufacturability and Assembly (DFMA), welding, 3D printing, fiberglass laying, and polymer extrusion, injection molding, and vacuum thermoforming.