[10] Robotics for underwater manufacturing and maintenance tasks (Oct 2023 – Present), at Khalifa University
[9] Robotics for manufacturing of large-size structures: reconfigurable hybrid-kinematics robot for three- and five-axis machining (2020 – Sept 2023), at Khalifa University Center for Autonomous Robotic Systems (KUCARS)
[8] Robotics for manufacturing of large-size structures: walking hybrid-kinematics robot for three- to six-axis on-structure machining (2020 – Sept 2023), at Khalifa University Center for Autonomous Robotic Systems (KUCARS)
[7] Tele-operated and autonomous brick pick-and-place using UAVs with magnetic gripping mechanisms (2019), at Khalifa University Center for Autonomous Robotic Systems (KUCARS)
[6] Tele-operated and autonomous brick pick-and-place using a UGV with a robotic manipulator (2019), at Khalifa University Center for Autonomous Robotic Systems (KUCARS)
[5] Design, analysis, and fabrication of a five-axis hybrid-kinematics machine tool (2015 – 2018), at Khalifa University, with Dr. Bashar El-Khasawneh and Dr. Anas Alazzam
[4] Dynamic analysis and performance study of Unmanned Hybrid Flying Robot (UHFR) (2014), at King Saud University & KACST, with Dr. Khalid Alsaif and Prof. Mosaad Foda
[3] Design of ANFIS controller for rotordynamic vibration control (2014), at King Saud University, with Dr. Mohanad Alata
[2] Analysis, model order reduction, and optimal vibration control of rotordynamic system (2012 – 2013), at King Saud University, with Prof. Mohamed ElMadany
[1] Stress analysis of nonhomogeneous rotating disc with arbitrarily variable thickness (2011), at King Saud University, with Prof. Maher Es-Saheb and Dr. Faycal Ben Yahia